Plenary lecturers

Alessia Bacchi, University of Parma, Italy:
"Smart materials for the release of liquid ingredients"
Alessia Bacchi is a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Parma. She has authored over 160 publications in scientific journals, 5 book chapters, and has presented her work at national and international meetings over 150 times. Her main research interests are crystal engineering of polymorphs, solvates, co-crystals, and hybrid organic/inorganic materials. In recent years she has focused on the development, design and control of molecular compounds and materials that can capture and stabilize or release liquid and volatile compounds. From 2015 to 2018 she has been the President of the European Crystallographic Association, and since 2018 she is a Trustee of the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center. She teaches inorganic and structural chemistry in first and second cycle degree courses. She is actively involved in science popularization activities: she was the national coordinator of activities for the International Year of Crystallography 2014, curated the 2014 exhibition 'CRISTALLI!' in Parma, and established the Museum of Crystallography, where she is the director, at the University of Parma in 2015.

Dominik Cinčić, University of Zagreb, Croatia:
"Crystal engineering of organic and metal-organic multicomponent halogen bonded solids"
Dominik Cinčić is an Associate Professor at the Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. He has authored over 60 scientific publications and over 160 oral and poster presentations at national and international conferences. He is experienced in crystallization of molecular solids, polymorphism, cocrystal and salt screening of pharmaceuticals, mechanochemical and solvent-free synthesis of diverse organic and metal-organic materials, as well as in crystallography. Current research in his group is focused on the study of halogen bonding synthons as well as crystal engineering of halogen-bonded cocrystals containing organic and metal-organic acceptors. As a lecturer, he teaches inorganic and supramolecular chemistry courses at undergraduate, graduate and PhD levels of study. He has also been active in science popularization since 2007, participating in the annual "The Magic in Chemistry" and "Open day of the Chemistry Department at the Faculty of Science" events.

Mariana Klementova, Institute of Physics of the AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic:
"Structure determination of nanomaterials from electron diffraction data"
Mariana Klementová is a researcher and the Deputy Head of the Department of Material Analysis at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague. Her main research interests are in structural physics and chemistry, in the development, preparation and characterization of inorganic materials by transmission electron microscopy methods with the focus on electron crystallography. She has authored over 100 scientific publications.

Jakob Kljun, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia:
"Development of bioactive metal compounds: structural insights into design and molecular modes of action"
Jakob Kljun is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the University of Ljubljana. His research interests include the design and synthesis of chelating molecules with sulfur functional groups to serve either as ligands for metallodrug design (Ag, Zn, Cu, Pt, Re) or as inhibitors of metalloproteins. He is co-author of 47 scientific publications and has been cited more than 1500 times (h-index value 21). Jakob Kljun is a founding member of the Cutting Edge Society which organizes biennial conferences in Ljubljana for young researchers focusing on scientific research, science communication, and early career development. As a lecturer, he teaches inorganic chemistry, coordination chemistry and bioinorganic chemistry laboratory courses at undergraduate and graduate levels.

Anna Moliterni, Institute of Crystallography – CNR, Bari, Italy:
"Crystallography - a powerful lens for Materials Science"
Dr. Anna Moliterni is a researcher at the Institute of Crystallography (IC), National Research Council (CNR), in Bari, Italy. She started her research work in the field of Crystallography in 1992, and collaborated with Prof. Carmelo Giacovazzo for more than twenty years. Her main research activities are:
- ab-initio structure solution of crystalline materials with different chemical composition and complexity by powder diffraction data (PD) and single crystal diffraction data (including also challenging compounds like perovskites, nanocrystalline metal chalcohalides, fibers);
- development and implementation in crystallographic software of innovative methodological and computing tools devoted to 1) ab-initio structure solution by PD; 2) qualitative and quantitative phase analysis by PD.
Dr. Moliterni is co-author of 112 scientific publications in ISI journals [H-index: 24, number of citations: over 12270 (Scopus source)] and seven book chapters, two of them published on the ‘International Tables for Crystallography’, Volume H.
Since 2004, Dr. Moliterni is faculty in charge of the X-ray single crystal diffraction laboratory (KappaCCD Bruker-Nonius diffractometer) at the IC-CNR of Bari.
She is co-author of ten crystallographic packages (OChemDb, QUALX2.0, EXPO2013, EXPO2009, QUALX, EXPO2004, Quanto, EXPO, SIR97, EXTRA) widely used by the scientific community (see http://www.ba.ic.cnr.it/softwareic/) .
In addition, her expertise is highlighted by recent publications on relevant journals, emphasizing the key role of Crystallography in the structure characterization of 2D organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites (https://www.psi.ch/en/macromolecular-crystallography/scientific-highlights/lighting-up-the-appealing-world-of-hybrid; Adv. Mater., 2022, DOI: 10.1002/adma.202106160).