28th Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting Poreč, 7-11 September 2022
Crystallographers from different countries meet at the annual Croatian-Slovenian/Slovenian-Croatian crystallographic meeting to present their work and exchange the ideas in multiple areas of research involving crystallography.
After two long and hard years, we are pleased to continue the long-term tradition of annual meetings interrupted by the COVID pandemic.
The 28th consecutive meeting is organized jointly by the Croatian Crystallographic Association and Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana under the auspices of the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
The official language of the Meeting is English.
There is NO registration fee.
The 28th Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting will be held in
This meeting is dedicated to the memory of Drago Grdenić and Stanko Popović.
CSCM28 programme and CSCM28 Book of Abstracts are now available.
Plenary lecturers:
Alessia Bacchi, University of Parma
Parma, Italy
Dominik Cinčić, University of Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia
Mariana Klementova, Institute of Physics of the AS CR
Prague, Czech Republic
Jakob Kljun, University of Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Anna Moliterni, Institute of Crystallography – CNR
Bari, Italy